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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Nov 28th - Chicadee chit-chat

Almost December, in the mountains, and no snow yet.
Somedays cold but no sign of snow.

Not global warming of course, just one of those seasons.
The studio's in the northeast, in NH.
Now if this was Washington State, would be a different story.

But it's not and there's no snow.
Not even cold enough to bother these chickadees.
A nice red-berry bush, good place for some socializing.
And that good chicadee chit-chat.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Nov. 23rd - Turkey Dancing

Time for a classic short film from earlier this spring.
This is back a few months when this 'tom' was really strutting his stuff.

Can put one off eating that traditional dinner today.

But 'traditionally' it's venison & fish, anyway.
That's more the 1623 mid-July tradition rather than the storied 1621 at Plymouth Rock.

Getting too historical. Watch the film instead.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Nov 19th - The Mergansers left

Taking a quick ride 'south', these mergansers sort of hit the road.
No time to fly, just a need to move fast.
At least, they gave us a wave 'goodbye'.
Time for us to go too.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Nov. 16th - Leaving Quickly

two houses
When it's time to go, leave quick.
Not fast or speedily, just quickly.
Helps not to get lost, but things happen.

Moving camera & moving scenery doesn't 'flash' well, yet.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nov 14th - Cold Seashore, Maine

too cold for this

Almost too cold to be this near the ocean.
Great to see & feel those waves up close.
But winter's really on its way.

Not here yet....but close. Almost.
Can't stay too long. Getting too cold.

SPARKY's still waiting in her own page.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nov 12th - Lake Reflections

tree grass
Too early for sunset, too late for sunshine.
But time for thought.
For reflection.

And an echo. Again and again.

SPARKY's moved to her own little webpage.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Nov 9th - Rail Trail Dreaming

Old apples feed hungry deer.
And a good walk lets the mind work.

Walking a railroad bed converted into a trail,
well you get to thinking of trains.
Okay, maybe just one train. The train that ran the
rail-space you're walking on now.
If you're good, you quickly start thinking of something else.

If you're not that good, you start seeing rails.
Almost hear a steam engine.
Turn around, and around again.
Then you run. It's good excerise.

Now we're hungry too. Old apples won't do.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nov 5th - Cold cardinal -- in snow dust

Frosty morning. Cold. Time for a breather, a fresh air walk-about.
Just watch the stepping. Small red birds on the ground.
OK, not so small. And not so concerned about the clods stomping about.

cardinal in snow dust

Keeping your distance, the cardinal just ignores you.
Too cold to be flying about. Too many yummies on the ground.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nov 1st - Two Cardinals

Together but alone, not out of synch but natural. Or is it?
Alert, edgy, hungry, always on the lookout.

Dining fast. Not a crowd but grouped.
So we add a few lines to make it seem conversational.

The choice was real work or this; an easy choice.