August 26th - Indigo Bunting
Now this is a 'blue' bird that's not often seen in New Hampshire.
Not that it's rare, more it's just not seen that often....many times it's there and then it's gone. Often they travel in small flocks or groups, and it's like an 'eruption', a bunch of Indigo Buntings just 'there' and then all gone.
Here we had just one........

We waited and waited for the rest of the group to show up....but alas (there, we get to use 'alas' again) it was a no show ...just this one indigo bunting. Click the short flash-movie link on the right; it'll open in a separate small web-page, then double click the 'start' button.
Well we're thinking that's it for birds this season. Unless another giant blue heron drops in, or a grizzly turkey vulture, we're off looking for bigger game. One of the trucks reported a deer running & leaping across the RT 4 road this week....a small 4 pointer, but still 'bigger game'. More film to follow.
Not that it's rare, more it's just not seen that often....many times it's there and then it's gone. Often they travel in small flocks or groups, and it's like an 'eruption', a bunch of Indigo Buntings just 'there' and then all gone.
Here we had just one........

We waited and waited for the rest of the group to show up....but alas (there, we get to use 'alas' again) it was a no show ...just this one indigo bunting. Click the short flash-movie link on the right; it'll open in a separate small web-page, then double click the 'start' button.
Well we're thinking that's it for birds this season. Unless another giant blue heron drops in, or a grizzly turkey vulture, we're off looking for bigger game. One of the trucks reported a deer running & leaping across the RT 4 road this week....a small 4 pointer, but still 'bigger game'. More film to follow.