At first, she seemed too small, almost unnoticeable. Blue from a distance, but probably a sunsetting trick of the light. Then gone in a streak. But she returned, blue as blue can be. An Indigo bunting. True blue in summer We hoped, just a scout, and soon the rest of the flock would appear. We waited, and the sun set, the mosquitos came out. We went home. Maybe another day, soon, dozens of them at once?
Shortlived excitement "Look at the's a bobcat, a funny looking one' But no, not a bobcat. A raccoon , with a tale to tell perhaps...... So what is out there chasing raccoons?? That's another story, another day.
Eye contact didn't work today. She's mad. Annoyed. I think we ticked her off. Frightened that delicious bug away. And then, all those other birds.... Too many have our attention She's got a lot to do. No chit chat. Time to fly.
cloudy night, little moon light waiting for dawn, the best time to search for those 'hard to find' pink lady slippers. surprised we were to almost step on two.